In the best light photography
Packages we now offer
In the best light photography
Packages we now offer
We offer 3 basic photographic packages: To make your job easier:
A. The first: We can professionally photograph your property, giving you 9-10 Photos including the front and back of house, as well as major rooms in your home. These can be published on your website to let the client know what is available or used on your computer/tablet in your office. Cost $175
To see examples, Click HERE, then pick VACANCIES and see what your clients see.
B. Secondly we can do a video walkthrough showing your home. This, too, can be published on your website or used on your computer/tablet to show clients what is available.
Add $125
To see examples, Click HERE, then pick VACANCIES and see what your clients see.
C. We also can make a brochure for your open house or use as a handout for clients.
Add $125 Must do A above to get this price
To see examples, Click HERE, then pick VACANCIES and see what your clients see.
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To see examples, Click HERE, then pick VACANCIES and see what your clients see.
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